
The Digital Latin Library project provides a platform for publishing research and scholarship in the form of born-digital critical editions of Latin texts. But the DLL is a research project in its own right, with efforts in the fields of Information Visualization, Library and Information Science, and Digital Philology.
The current focus of the DLL's research efforts is the Library of Digital Latin Texts, the platform for creating and publishing new critical editions of Latin texts.
Here is a listing of the DLL's research outcomes so far:
- Huskey, S. J. (Principal Investigator), Abbas, J. M. (Co-Principal Investigator), Weaver, C. (Co-Principal Investigator), "Digital Latin Library Implementation." Sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. $1,000,000.00. (July 20, 2015–July 31, 2017). Grant number 21500706.
- Huskey, S. J. (Principal Investigator), Abbas, J. M. (Co-Principal Investigator), Weaver, C. (Co-Principal Investigator), "Digital Latin Library." Sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. $572,000.00. (July 14, 2014–July 31, 2015). Grant number 21400643.
- Huskey, S. J. (Principal Investigator), "Planning Grant: Digital Latin Library." Sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. $158,000.00. (April 1, 2012–August 31, 2013). Grant number 11200693.
- Samuel J. Huskey, Hugh A. Cayless, & Andrew Dunning. 2020, March 5. DigitalLatin/guidelines: Version 1.3.0 (Version v1.3.0). Zenodo.
- Katy Felkner and Samuel J. Huskey. 2019. "Automation Scripts for the Digital Latin Library: First Release." Zenodo. http://doi:10.5281/zenodo.2658751.
MS Theses
- Asokarajan, Bharathi. 2016. “A Pixel-Based Focus+Context Technique for Visualizing Variation in Classical Text,” University of Oklahoma.
- Silvia, Shejuti. 2016. “VariantFlow: Interactive Storyline Visualization Using Force Directed Layout,” University of Oklahoma.
- Sunchu, Vamshi Krishna. 2016. “A Flexible Schema-Aware Mapping of XML Data into Relational Models,” University of Oklahoma.
- Vangala, Sudarshan Reddy. 2016. “Recording and Replaying User Intentions in Coordinated Multiple View Visualizations,” University of Oklahoma.
- Almas, B., H. Cayless, T. Clérice, V. Jolivet, P. M. Liuzzo, J.Robie, M. Romanello and I. Scott, 2023. "Distributed Text Services (DTS): A Community-Built API to Publish and Consume Text Collections as Linked Data," Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative.
- Huskey, S. J. 2022. "The Visual [Re]Presentation of Textual Data in Traditional and Digital Critical Editions." magazén: International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities 3.1.
- Huskey, S. J. and Cayless, H. 2022. "The Digital Critical Apparatus: Thoughts from the Field." The Classical Journal 117.3: 340–358.
- Huskey, S. J., and Witt, J. 2019. "Decoupling Quality Control and Publication: The Digital Latin Library and the Traveling Imprimatur." Digital Humanities Quarterly 13.4.
Chapters in Books
- Huskey, S.J. and Robert A. Kaster. (forthcoming) "Editing." In The Cambridge Critical Guide to Latin Literature. Roy K. Gibson and Christopher Whitton, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Huskey, S.J. 2020. "Scholarly Digital Editions: A Wise Investment for Scholars and Institutions." In Der digital turn in den Altertumswissenschaften: Wahrnehmung–Dokumentation–Reflexion Anna Novokhatko, Stelios Chronopoulos, and Felix Maier, eds. Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 43–54. Open Access:
- Huskey, S.J. 2019. "The Digital Latin Library: Cataloging and Publishing Critical Editions of Latin Texts." In Digital Classical Philology Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution. Monica Berti, ed. Berlin: De Gruyter Saur, 19–34. Open Access:
- Cayless, H. 2018. "Critical Editions and the Data Model as Interface," in Digital Scholarly Editions as Interfaces, Schriftendes Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik Bd. 12.
Conference Proceedings
- Abbas, J. M., Baker, S. R., Huskey, S. J., and Weaver, C. 2016. "How I learned to love Classical studies: Information representation design of the Digital Latin Library." In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology. Silver Spring, MD, United States: Association for Information Science and Technology.
- Silvia, S., Etemadpour, R., Huskey, S. J., Abbas, J. M., and Weaver, C. 2016. "Visualizing Variation in Classical Text with Force Directed Storylines." In Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities. Baltimore, MD, United States.
- Asokarajan, B., Etemadpour, R., Huskey, S. J., Abbas, J. M., and Weaver, C. 2016. "Visualization of Latin Textual Variants using a Pixel-Based Text Analysis Tool." In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visual Analytics. Geneva, Switzerland: The Eurographics Association.
- Abbas, J. M., Baker, S. R., Huskey, S. J., and Weaver, C. 2015. "Digital Latin Library: Information Work Practices of Classics Scholars, Graduate Students, and Teachers." In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology. Silver Spring, MD, United States: Association for Information Science and Technology.
- Asokarajan, B., Abbas, J. M., Huskey, S. J., and Weaver, C. 2015. "Pixel-oriented Visualization for Analyzing Classical Latin Texts." IEEE VIS 2015 Conference Compendium.
- Silvia Shejuti, June Abbas, Sam Huskey, and Chris Weaver. "Storyline Visualization with Force Directed Layout [Poster]". IEEE VIS 2015 Conference Compendium, Chicago, IL, October 2015.
Invited Lectures
- Huskey, S. J. "The Digital Latin Library." SunoikisisDC. Leipzig, Germany. (July 1, 2021) < SunoikisisDC-2020-2021/wiki/SunoikisisDC-Summer-2021-Session-12>.
- Huskey, S. J. "Encoding the Encoded: Making Critical Editions Digital." Lady Margaret Hall Seminar on Textual Criticism. University of Oxford. (May 21, 2021).
- Huskey, S. J. "What is 'Digital Latin'? An Overview of the Digital Latin Library." Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities: Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities. Venice, Italy. (November 25, 2020)
- Huskey, S. J., Abbas, J. M., Weaver, C. "The Digital Latin Library as an Open Access Publisher of Digital Critical Editions." Greek and Latin in an Age of Open Data. Leipzig, Germany. (December 2, 2014).
Conference Papers
The DLL was the topic of a special panel at the 150th annual meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in 2019. The presentations included:
- Samuel J. Huskey: "The Digital Latin Library"
- Hugh Cayless "What does a (Digital) Critical Edition Look Like?"
- Robert Kaster "Is There an Editor in this Text?"
- Cynthia Damon "Pragmatic or Pure? Two Experiments in Editing"
- Virginia K. Felkner "Automatically Encoding Critical Editions of Latin Texts"
Other DLL-related presentations
- Felkner, V. K. and Huskey, S. J. "Digital Critical Editions: Coding and/as Scholarship," CAMWS 114th annual meeting, Albuquerque, NM. (April 2018).
- Huskey, S. J. "The Digital Latin Library and the Library of Digital Latin Texts," SCS 149th annual meeting, Boston, MA. (January 7, 2018).
- Asokarajan, B., Etemadpour, R., Abbas, J. M., Huskey, S. J., Weaver, C., Proceedings of the EuroGraphics / IEEE-VGTC Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), "Visualization of Latin Textual Variants using a Pixel-Based Text Analysis Tool," IEEE-VGTC, Barcelona, Spain. (June 2017).
- Abbas, J. M., Baker, S. R., Huskey, S. J., Weaver, C., Association for Information Science & Technology, "How I learned to love Classical studies: Information representation design of the Digital Latin Library," Copenhagen, Denmark. (October 2016).
- Silvia, S., Etemadpour, R., Abbas, J. M., Huskey, S. J., Weaver, C., Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities, "Visualizing Variation in Classical Text with Force Directed Storylines," IEEE, Baltimore, MD. (October 2016).
- Asokarajan, B., Etemadpour, R., Huskey, S. J., Abbas, J. M., Weaver, C., Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visual Analytics, "Visualization of Latin Textual Variants using a Pixel-Based Text Analysis Tool," EuroVis, Groningen, Netherlands. (June 2016).
- Huskey, S. J. "Evaluating Linked Open Data for the Library of Digital Latin Texts," Linking the Big Ancient Mediterranean (BAM) Conference, Iowa City, IA. (June 8, 2016).
- Abbas, J., Baker, R., Huskey, S. J. "Digital Latin Library: Information Work Practices of Classics Scholars, Graduate Students, and Teachers," Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Saint Louis, MO. (November 7, 2015).
- Asokarajan, B., Weaver, C., Abbas, J. M., Huskey, S. J. "Pixel-oriented Visualization for Analyzing Classical Latin Texts," Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Information Visualization Conference (InfoVis), Chicago, IL. (October 2015).
- Shejuti, S., Abbas, J. M., Weaver, C., Huskey, S. J. "Storyline Visualization with Force Directed Layout," Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Information Visualization Conference, Chicago, IL. (October 2015).
- Huskey, S. J. "Toward the Evaluation of Digital Critical Editions of Latin Texts," Latin Textual Criticism in the Digital Age, Norman, OK. (June 25, 2015).
- Huskey, S. J. "Combining Latin Language Learning and Undergraduate Research with Digital Humanities," CAMWS 110th annual meeting, Waco, TX. (April 5, 2014).